
The Opportunity of Removing Friction and Eliminating the Middle Man

Steve Pruneau and Asher Black discuss Patreon founder Jack Conte’s initiative to help creators make money and how eliminating friction and the middle man is key to aligning one’s business model with one’s purpose as well as filling an enormous cultural and economic need in the #bossrebellion

How Investors Could Benefit from Pay Transparency or Lose With Salary Confidentiality

Steve Pruneau and Asher Black wonder that activist investors are not more interested in pay transparency, given that it directly impacts shareholder value. Is the company paying inflated salaries to less valuable members, or utilizing subjective salary offers where a more transparent market could mean a more efficient one? C-suite executives that want more revenue options take note in the #bossrebellion

Google—Ghosting Engineers at Layoff Institutionalizes Transactional Employee-Employer Relationship

Steve Pruneau and Asher Black consider how terminating people by cutting off their email is normalizing what employees do when they ghost interviewers during candidacy or quitting. The transactional nature of employment is more pronounced than ever. Possible opportunity in the #bossrebellion

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